
Thursday, December 31, 2009

The center of the human being

The actual physical heart in our breast beats at about 100,000 times a day, pumping two gallons of blood per minute, 100 gallons per hour, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year for an entire life time! The vascular system that sends this life-giving blood is over 60,000 miles long: it is more than two times the circumference of the earth. Furthermore, it is interesting to note that the heart starts beating before the brain is formed; the heart begins to beat without any central nervous system. The dominant theory was that the central nervous system is what is controlling the entire human being from the brain, yet we know now that in fact the nervous system does not initiate the heartbeat. It is actually self-initiated; we would say, it is initiated by Allah subhanahu wa t'ala.

The heart is the center of the human being. Many people think the brain is the center of consciousness, yet the Quran clearly states, "They have hearts that they are not able to understand with." According to the Muslims, the center of human consciousness is the heart and not the brain itself, and it is only recently that human beings have learned there are over 40,000 neurons in the heart; in other words, there are cells in the heart that are communicating. Now, it is understood that there is two-way communication between the brain and the heart: the brain sends messages to the heart, but the heart also sends messages to the brain. The brain receives these messages from the heart, which reach the amygdala and the thalamus. The cortex receives input from the amygdala and thalamus that it processes to produce emotion; the new cortex relates to learning and reasoning. These processes are recent discoveries, and although we do not fully understand them, we do know that the heart is an extremely sophisticated organ.

According to the hadith, the heart is a source of knowledge. The Prophet, sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said that wrong action is what irritates the heart. Thus, the heart actually knows wrong actions, and this is one of the reasons why people can do terrible things, but, ultimately, they are affected negatively. In Crime and Punishment, the brilliant Russian author Dostoevsky's indicates that crime itself is the perpetrator's punishment because human beings have to live with the result of their actions: their souls are affected. When people do something against the heart, they act against the soul, and that actually affects human beings to the degree that they will go into a state of spiritual agitation, and people will use many ways to cover this up. This is what kufur is: "kufur" means "covering up." To hide their agitation, people use alcohol, drugs, and sexual experimentation; they also seek power, wealth, and fame, taking themselves into a state of heedlessness, submerging themselves into the ephemeral world which causes them to forget their essential nature and to forget their hearts. Thus, people become cut off from their hearts.


  1. sweet

    Science is an ever changing field- and i am sure the scholarship of prophetic traditions also leave room to interpret 'conscience' as much as todays scientific schools of thought.

    There is also an autonomic nervous system operating in the little understood i might add

    It remains to be seen where the seat of conscience really is.

    imagine the brain as a central Receiving Node (the brain is really a bundle of nerves merely 'bundled' absolutely foking flawlessly etc), with all its 'ether-wiring' spanning the very environment which the human Being occupies..This ether network in which humans are individual units, is interacting with each other and is the physical world. Interacting at such intricate levels and on such delicate balances, that a mere 'thought' is enough to register on one's ether medium around us into which we are 'jacked' into, and where everything registers in the 'brain', at levels we register and levels we have not yet discerned...

    the limits of the human brain; the subconscious and the conscious is only limited by the universe we inhabit.

    The search for answers never stops. No(know) full stops, all imho


  2. I sincerely doubt the 'heart' here refers to the physical prob implies 'dhene gathun', 'gettu vun'...meaning their faculties of reasoning is defunct

    when someone says 'hithuge emme funn minunn', it doesn't mean the physical heart right?

    I dont think the quran is intended to be read "deaf dumb & blind"

    Remember first of all,its in arabic, quranic arabic

    the apparent meanings, the superficial understanding of its meanings was really prob intended to be for the age in which it was is common knowledge that quranic verses offer a depth of meaning; its like looking down through a book with transparent pages.

    Even from an anthropological & linguistic perspective the study of its meaning has something to offer anybody who bothers..the braiileic understanding of its pristine verses is a restriction defined by the age in which it was first read.

    it is unreasonable for God to 'explain' the quran, even to the prophet, beyond his mental capacity and that of his age.. I doubt it ever was in God's nature to spoonfeed everything.

    The Quran was Revealed to him. That was an event monumentous enough for his time.

    Since it is a book for all ages, it has been left to the ages to delve ever deeper into its meanings & interpretations.

  3. y did u delete ur previous post?
    its one of the decent things i read here
    its one where u didnt try to cast blame on someone else
