
Friday, December 24, 2010


Prophet PBUH said: Seeking knowledge is obligatory to every Muslim Men and Women
The reason that the Quran has urged us to reflect upon Creation and to study the natural world and acquire knowledge is to confirm in us mankind’s instinctual freedom of thought upon which all sages are in agreement, in order that the power of human understanding and thinking may be so enlightened that it may fulfill the function of which it was Created.
Children are invaluable assets of future generations. Islam has given particular attention for their education and training as well as for their respect, love, and affection. Islam provides detailed instructions for preservation of children’s rights and emphasize for their guidance so that they could endeavor for perfection as human beings with an aim of worshiping Allah and serving the humanity
And if they fail in this duty, their children will say : my parents and grandparents were Muslims but I am an atheist.
If a person learns knowledge, then he fear Allah and he follow his command only, then he should not depend or rely on any one but Allah. Allah is Maula and Wakeel, He knows inside of our hearts that's the teaching of Quran.
33/39 Quran
(It is the practice of those) who preach the Messages of Allah, and fear Him, and fear none but Allah. And enough is Allah to call (men) to account.


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