
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Son of God was born on 25th December?

When you are wishing someone 'Merry Christmas', without you realize, you are agreeing that God has a son and he (the Son of God) was born on 25th December. Astagfirullah Al Azim..

Saying God has children is a Shirk (the greatest sin in Islam), as Allah says in the Qur'an: "Allah begets not, nor was He begotten" [Quran, 112: 3]

1 comment:

  1. no when i say merry christmas to any one, im just sending a kind greeting of a holiday season in a holiday spirit. even most of Christians who celebrate Christmas do not think that way. its a cultural thing. Jesus was not born on Dec 25th Btw. birth of Son of God refers to a astronomical event where at Winter Solstice the sun (representing Jesus) reaches its lowest in northern hemisphere on Dec 22nd (say jesus is crusified) and remains that way for three days (dead for three days) and on Dec 25th morning the Sun (jesus) rise again a little higher (resurrected to heaven) bringing warmth and light and longer days and ofcourse eventually spring.
    Understanding ancient Mythology does not mean one can not celebrate and take part in a festive where human gather and give and forgive. Same goes for EID> many non-muslims celebrate Eid just for the sake of becoming together and celebrating together, for may god bring us closer and lessen our differences...
